Monday, June 22, 2009

Test Batch Bonanza (and 1st Post!)

Welcome to Hello Kookie! We're just a couple of pals who, aside from raising our boys (2 for each of us, thank you very much testosterone gods), love love love cookies (and well, ok, almost any food, too). Our little company is dedicated to organic cookies -- fun to see, fun to eat, and for us, fun to make!

We're still in our infancy (although thank goodness our youngest boys have turned that corner), so it's time for us to make what we hope is our last test batch in the home kitchen before we move to the big leagues, a commercial kitchen! Juggling the 4-kid schedule, we finally got together to see what would happen with a tweaked recipe (now being armed with a little science behind the flour -- yes, that's what we said -- science).

Getting ready:

Butter + Sugar = Yum, already!
Our precious little monkeys...

Storing up for the winter (aka, the icing).

Ok, if we must, we'll taste test! You can stop twisting our arms!

Next post, prime-time icing time!

1 comment:


We don't like to get dirty (unless it's in flour), but our art is copyright protected. Dina will drop the apron and throw back on her attorney suit if need be. Just ask!